Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tempus Pro Belatedbirthdaygreetingsio

The Consul General's 3rd birthday party at the Ambassadorial Abode

The Consul General, appearing in a photoshoot straight out of a Bill Granger Book

The Bishops of Derby, Repton & Burton, the latter of whom was "Priested" over the weekend of the Consul General's birthday

Remember, remember the 1st of July. Or not, as the case may have it. Poppy’s birthday coincided with the ordination of the Bishop of Burton and numerous other events, and therefore was omitted from mention on this blog. The Chairman is quite contrite, and is delighted to reproduce for inspection two recent photographs of the Consul General thoughfully forwarded by her Mama, who appears to have changed her hair once again in much the same way her former consort did after his appearance on Crimewatch all those years ago when he shaved off his moustache. Belated happy birthday Poppy – and sorry for looking like I forgot.

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