Monday, July 23, 2007

It was seven years ago today....

Close but no cigar - The WRC at the wedding of the Chairman to the First Lady in 2002

Congratulations to the Vice Chairman & the Chair of the Wines and Spirits Committee on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. It seems like only 7 years ago, I’m sure you will all agree. As I do not have any digital images at my workplace of their own nuptial celebration, you will have to make do with a picture of your correspondent’s own wedding, which followed two years later. At least Ed & Marie are on it, and were hugely helpful with our own wedding, as I hope we were with theirs. And to think, this momentous occasion will pass without a drop passing their lips, the VC & CWSC being on a self-imposed detox as a result of mild over-indulgance whilst in Blighty. Worry not though , as the First Lady and I shall raise a toast in their honour this evening. Even if the occasion is a dry one in Adelaide.

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