Monday, July 30, 2007

Teaching Civilisation to the barbarian

The Devil makes work for Idle’s hands

So to Adelaide, where the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee is about to commence something resembling full time employment whilst Ruby is entrusted to professionals during the business hours of the day. All in all, a quite important turn of events in Ruby’s short life thus far, and also important for Marie, who had a bonding lunch with her new team on Saturday with Ruby in tow. All the VC had to remember to do was to do the shopping, as the Adelaide abode was bereft of provisions.
A simple enough task, one would have thought, but what should the CWSC find upon her return? No food, the car engine still cold and the VC unmoved bar the visit to the cellars to choose a bottle of wine for the afternoon which was spent playing Civilisation, a computer game which can last for days if the quest for global domination goes well. As the VC said to me only yesterday, “It’s lucky Ruby likes cold Chinese food for breakfast. And that I was wearing a suit of armour when Marie got home.” And to think that the VC feels hard done by the soubriquet “Idle Vice”…..

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