Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The 2008 Henley Quiz - we have a winner.

For some quiz entrants, the glass will always be half entry.

The Chairman relaxing after a vigorous bout of quiz setting

I don't know what the Captain's got to smile about. Guess how many he got wrong this year?

The Chairman is delighted to announce the results of the 2008 Henley quiz, for which he received an unprecedented number of replies. Well, six in total. Highlights of the responses received by the Chairman included those of the First Lady, who was unsure quite why she married the Chairman on 1st June 2002. The Chair of the Wines and Spirits Committee was under the misapprehension that the Chairman arranged the date of his marriage to the First Lady in order that “It didn’t clash with Henley”, which he thought rather cheeky, especially bearing in mind she was, of course, our bridesmaid. If that’s what nine months of absence from ones post does for you, then I’m glad I’m sitting down to write this. The Vice Chairman was under the mis-apprehension that the WRC had only been invited to Tolthotpe once. He was, however, so sloshed on the Cox’s home-distilled vino that he probably forgot the first time we attended. The answer was, of course, twice. My dear Mama managed not to trouble the scorers, but it was her first time of entering the quiz, so allowances should, of course, be made. The Captain came last as usual. Suffice as to say that he managed to fail in the question of whether or not Campion strength Pimm’s was the right answer. The answer, of course, is no, was no at the time and should forever be so. He even got the Dickie Millward anagram wrong.

The Antipodean Ambassadress is, as custom dictates, someone whose finger is on the pulse of Club activities, and put in a flawless performance as ever. However, there can only be one winner, and the Chairman is therefore delighted to announce that the winner of the 2008 Henley Quiz is the Coxswain, who managed to get no questions wrong whatsoever, which the Chairman considers being an admirable achievement for someone whom the Ambassador regularly refers to as our “oldest member”.The prize, which will be presented at the Garden Party to be held in honour of the impending visit of the Antipodean Ambassadress (shortly to embark on her whistle-stop European tour), can best be summed up as the sort of thing money cannot buy, and which would not exist without the Cox’s presence on this planet. A worthy winner, I’m sure you will all agree.

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