Thursday, July 17, 2008

With family and friends like these......

Time to wake up and smell the coffee, Captain!

As ever, your Chairman was overwhelmed with responses to the “Caption Campion” competition I announced yesterday. The speed at which the emails came in defied even my expectations – haven’t you all got jobs/tea shops to go to? Anyway, in no particular order, the responses included

Captain Campo” (everyone)

My darling boy

Oberon” (King of the Fairies, Captain, from A Midsummer Nights Dream, which of course you slept through at Tolthorpe. Twice)

“They will boot you out of the mess, son, if the committee see you dressed like this. Airmen didn’t dress like at in my day. The whole country’s gone to pot. I must write a letter to the U3A Gazette” (Anonymous, Hawthorn Road)

Ya bloody poofta” (The Ambassador, via his secretary on conference call)

Would you like to borrow our nail varnish, Daddy?”

You’re a bloody rotter, Campo. I think I now have an idea where to stick a particularly large firework I was saving up for my grand finale at one of my concerts this summer.” Tricky Wardmill, Hertfordshire

A sympathetic response from the Captain’s family and friends, then. And, of course, from Dickie. On the blog tomorrow, we will be having the Captain’s tips on how to beat the credit crunch (and the Chairman for his impertinence) with the Captain’s new column, “Look after the pennies (and spend all the ones you have saved (and the rest) in the Innovations catalogue without telling Bev) with the Captain”. “Short, pithy and to the point, Chairman – rather like yourself”, as the Captain retorted to me earlier today. I mean to say, the bloody cheek of it……

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