Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A sunny afternoon on Bunkers Hill

The Chairman presenting the Cox with her prize

Richard enjoying the weather

The Cox and the First Lady. Drink had been taken.

“A particularly good year for Norton Anti-Virus this year, Chairman”

The Chairman & Margaret, who will be 40 this Wednesday, would you believe

The Cox, disapointed by the "Batteries not included approach of our sponsors"

As ever, there is nothing that warms your Chairman’s heart more than a large lunch, a good cellar and old friends enjoying a summer’s day. Luckily enough, the garden party held in honour of the Antipodean Ambassadress’s visit to her parental home held last Saturday ticked every box, and although the Chairman neglected to photograph the sumptuous fare provided for the guests, you will no doubt accept my assurance that it did exactly what it said on the tin. Not only was the Chairman delighted to present the Coxswain with “I Predict A Riot” for winning the Henley Quiz by failing to get any of the questions wrong, but he was delighted to observe that despite the changeable summer we have enjoyed in the UK thus far, the Cox’s had managed to grow a splendid crop of CD’s already this summer, many of which looked ripe for harvesting……

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