Monday, July 28, 2008

A State Visit

The Antipodean Ambassadress reclining after a fish pie & Eton Mess.

Dinner in N.21

The Chairman is delighted to include some photographs of the recent State Visit to the UK by the Antipodean Ambassadress for your inspection. The Chairman and First Lady had the pleasure of 28 hours of the Antipodean Ambassadress in the Metropolis, during which time she attempted to redress the balance of payments deficit between the Motherland and the Antipodes, and managed to squeeze in 2 lunches, one dinner, ¼ gallon of wine and a visit to Tate Modern. As ever, it is always a pleasure to receive a State Visit, and one day we hope to reciprocate once again. The likelihood of the Chairman & First Lady “turning left” upon entering the aeroplane (in much the same way as Charlotte did) would be, however, decidedly unlikely!

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