Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tempus Pro Henleyquizio

Your Chairman is delighted to announce, in much the same way as the Chair of the Wines and Spirits Committee announces the arrival of Beaujolais Nouveau, the 2008 Henley quiz est arrive! If you have half as much fun in working out the answers as the Chairman has had in compiling the questions, you will be in your element. Enjoy.

The Henley Quiz 2008 – The First Eight

The founders of the Witham Rowing Club, 1990

(1) The Chairman and First Lady married on 1st June 2002, but why did the Chairman think that this might make a particularly suitable date to marry?

(a) He loved his wife to be, and could not wait any longer to get married to her?
(b) He wanted a date that he was unlikely to forget?
(c) He wanted to ensure that his wedding anniversary never clashed with Henley?
(d) All of the above

2. A cockney is strictly someone born “within the sound of bow bells”, but which is the only member of the WRC born during the regatta itself?

3. Campion strength Pimm’s. Yes or no?

4. How many times have the WRC been invited to Tolthorpe in the 20 years aprox. that the Bunkers Hill Mafia have been attending Tolthorpe?

5. Re-arrange the letters to discover the name of the two-time attender of Henley from the following anagram

Dickie Millardw

Clue – He likes playing with fireworks, and the Captain was too busy to go to his wedding, despite having accidently invited him on both occasions.

6. To the nearest 1, calculate the number of times the Antipodean Ambassador has attended Henley.

7. The Chairman of which rowing club was the first person in the 154 year history of the boat race to be banned by the organiser from attending all subsequent races between the ancient Universities from 2008 henceforth?

8. In the immortal words of Carly Simon, who, if anyone, “
does it better” than the WRC?

Answers on an email to the Chairman at the usual address. Prizes may be awarded at the Chairman’s discretion.

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