Thursday, December 27, 2007

A spouse is not just for Christmas

Hold very tight please

The Cox & her Consort, Beryl & Richard

Mr & Mrs Jobless-Curran, Jo & (Hello) Dave

The bride & groom modeled in lego

The First Lady, Chairman & Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee making merry

As promised, a selection of photographs from the wedding of a dear friend of the WRC, Jo “Lockers” Lockley. It was a splendid day, and providing you were sporting in excess of five layers, you were not susceptible to the chill of the Leicestershire countryside. Anyway, a jolly good time was had by all, and the bride looked delightful, as you might expect. The presentation of what appeared to resemble “twigs” to significant guests was a surprise to all of those gathered, but both the First Lady and your correspondent surmised that it must have been a Welsh thing. Either that or all of the leaves had fallen off by the time they got hitched.

To celebrate their nuptial alliance, your ever-thoughtful correspondent and the First Lady purchased Jobless & Dave a goat from Oxfam, which they named “Ed” after the Vice Chairman. so at least he can say that he was represented at the wedding as a goat, if not in person. And it will save the newly-weds wasting their money on luxury consumer durables at John Lewis in the new year, which of course will be a burdensome task after their festive honeymoon in Paris.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tempus Pro Undressio

Lockers Lockley, the First Lady and the CWSC after a good lunch yesterday

The Chairman is delighted to announce the arrival in the UK of the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, who looks as youthful as the day I first met her. Apart form having to squeeze in a nap yesterday afternoon, she showed no ill effects from her flight, although when she arrived at the residence of the Chairman & First Lady she rather resembled a Russian doll, in so much as that when one layer of clothing was removed, yet another one of similar substance seemed to be sported underneath. It was only when she peeled of one layer to many that I realised we had the heating on too high, resulting in the CWSC swiftly donning her splendid club zephyr in order to protect her modesty. Anyway, welcome back to Blighty Marie. Even if it’s only for a week.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Batteries not included

Tiger Campion WRC playing with her rabbit

Many happy returns of the day to our Tiger-ish Treasurer, Tiger Campion, who is 37 years young today (or 38 according to her husband the Captain). What more needs to be said but grrrrrr. And, of course, happy birthday.

Choc's away!

Bomb(er)'s away!

Alan recently photographed on manoeuvres in a top-secret locatation

Many happy returns of the day to Campo "Campo" Bader-Campo DFC, who is 69 years young today. You may be surprised to to know that Alan is not celebrating by doing a 360 degree roll over Hillards, but is instead being entertained by the Cox & her Consort at the spiritual home of the WRC on Bunkers Hill. The precise menu has not been released yet, but rumour has it that the Cox might be attempting Bombe Surprise for pudding in Alan’s honour. Happy birthday Alan – properly considered, you don’t look a day over 68.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mentioning the War

Hope you're paying him well, Ma'am

The Captain assembling his billet during the Battle of Henley 2007

The Chairman wishes it to be reported that after years of complete combative inactivity, our Captain of Boats has finally been press-ganged into action by HM the Queen. As such, the Chairman will for the period of his tour of duty be writing to the Captain on a daily basis in order to keep his spirits up, and you can read his missives by clicking on the following link. Modesty forbids, but each should prove to be cracking entertainment and hopefully a tonic for the troops. Unfortunately, the Queen has neglected to give the Captain a gun, but all things considered, he seems in very bright spirits. Perhaps he has managed to smuggle in a sharpened mango or two in much the same way as another noted Captain did in Africa during the Battle of Mboto Gorge in 1892. Who knows. Anyway, good luck Captain and come home soon.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Our caterer and hostess in chief encapsulated in plaster, photographed with the loving cup

The WRC after dinner (and after midnight)

The table at Toad Hall prior to the AGM

Founders reunited - The Ambassadress & Captain

Back row: The Treasurer, Antipodean Ambassadress & First Lady
Front row: The Captain of Boats, Antipodean Ambassador & Chairman

The Chairman is delighted to announce that the 11th Annual General Meeting in the 16 year history of the WRC was held on the evening of 13th October 2007 at the family seat of the Chairman's family, Toad Hall. With the exception of the Vice Chairman and Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, all full senior members were present, the VC and CWSC excusing their absence due to their having attended a food and wine festival. In Adelaide, it should be added (the highlights being “the food and the wine”, as the VC stated when excusing their absence), so a reasonable excuse, especially when teamed with their being involved in ongoing negotiations re the purchase of land in Australia. A recreational six courses (and two puddings) later, all lovingly prepared by the mothers of the founding members of the club, the Chairman announced that the main business of the evening had been concluded, and declared the AGM closed. As your correspondent observed over dinner, to have one AGM in a year is all well and good, but to have two within 4 months is excessive, even for a club with our unconventional constitution.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Style never goes out of fashion

It's all in the detail, you know

Keeping hoodies off the streets - At home with the Howard's

Water water everywhere, but only gin to drink. The VC & CWSC after a hard outing (but unlikely to be an early morning one)

The Chairman is delighted to present for inspection photographs of the VC, CWSC, Chairman & First Lady sporting our recently commissioned club kit, to which the VC and CWSC have enthused about since the delivery thereof like it’s going out of fashion (which of course such classic apparel never will). I understand that the Ambassadorial Abode has recently contemplated a sizeable order to be available for their collection whilst in Blighty, and the Chairman is confident that they will cut a dash whilst visiting the Metrop. in October. Than only leaves the Campion’s, who seem to have fallen foul to the adage the one can have too much choice. Either that, or they’ve been busy rebuilding their house, playing hockey and preparing for war. Anyway, enjoy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hoodie alert

The Chairman & First Lady are delighted to announce that they have placed their first order with Godfrey Sports for a matching pair of hooded tops. These should hopefully be ready in time for the state visit in September/October, and will no doubt help stave off the autumnal chill from early mornings on the river. Or not, as the case may have it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To cap it all....

Hot off the press from Godfrey Sport, I am delighted to announce that due to constraints of space, the cap badge to go on the club baseball cap is to be as shown above, which I have confirmed is in order. How kind of Godfrey to show such attention to detail – an excellent opportunity to reward their endeavours with a kit order, perhaps?

Monday, August 13, 2007

The CWSC, who shows no sign of the stresses and strains of 11 years in the chair

Many happy returns of the day to the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, who is 36 today. Unlike Vice Chairman, the CWSC shows no visible signs of age, and is, properly considered, in her prime as I’m sure you will agree this photograph shows. The pirate trousers are an acquired taste, perhaps, but I’m sure you will agree it’s what you’ve got on top that counts. Or so the VC tells me, anyway. Happy birthday Marie.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Guess who's 35 today?

The VC, bearing the customary two drinks as usual.

Many happy returns of the day to the Vice Chairman, who today reaches the grand old age of 35. Not that you would have thought so to see him, as in this photograph, he looks more like 40. Then again, you should see how old he looks in person.

Happy birthday Vice.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Tempus Pro Embroideredcrestio

The Chairman with Tom from Godfrey Sports at Henley in July

Good work - It's only taken me 16 years to sort this out

The Chairman is delighted to present, courtesy of the fine folk at Godfrey Sport, a picture of how the embroidered crest will appear. I have approved this work, which appears to have been embroidered on lycra, hence its appearance. I hope you all approve.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Teaching Civilisation to the barbarian

The Devil makes work for Idle’s hands

So to Adelaide, where the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee is about to commence something resembling full time employment whilst Ruby is entrusted to professionals during the business hours of the day. All in all, a quite important turn of events in Ruby’s short life thus far, and also important for Marie, who had a bonding lunch with her new team on Saturday with Ruby in tow. All the VC had to remember to do was to do the shopping, as the Adelaide abode was bereft of provisions.
A simple enough task, one would have thought, but what should the CWSC find upon her return? No food, the car engine still cold and the VC unmoved bar the visit to the cellars to choose a bottle of wine for the afternoon which was spent playing Civilisation, a computer game which can last for days if the quest for global domination goes well. As the VC said to me only yesterday, “It’s lucky Ruby likes cold Chinese food for breakfast. And that I was wearing a suit of armour when Marie got home.” And to think that the VC feels hard done by the soubriquet “Idle Vice”…..

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tempus Pro Blendio

Not a classical method for testing the nose of a port, I would respectfully suggest.

No Captain, surely not the sherry as well?

Save time on port blending by decanting both of your ropey old bottles of port at the same time

It’s not only the Cox who lays claim to that of master vintner of the WRC (and laid out guests who historically over-imbibed on her splendid vintages of yesteryear). As the above picture taken at the AGM shows, the Captain of Boats celebrated hosting the first Annual General Meeting since 2004 by creating his own blend of port for the occasion, which the VC and Chairman sampled following the early departure of the Captain due to over-exercising, the ladies having forsook the port for the sake of their relative sobriety. Following on from the last efforts the club made in the field of blending drinks, this could properly be considered a success. Even if the Captain's blend was a tad tart.

Monday, July 23, 2007

It was seven years ago today....

Close but no cigar - The WRC at the wedding of the Chairman to the First Lady in 2002

Congratulations to the Vice Chairman & the Chair of the Wines and Spirits Committee on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. It seems like only 7 years ago, I’m sure you will all agree. As I do not have any digital images at my workplace of their own nuptial celebration, you will have to make do with a picture of your correspondent’s own wedding, which followed two years later. At least Ed & Marie are on it, and were hugely helpful with our own wedding, as I hope we were with theirs. And to think, this momentous occasion will pass without a drop passing their lips, the VC & CWSC being on a self-imposed detox as a result of mild over-indulgance whilst in Blighty. Worry not though , as the First Lady and I shall raise a toast in their honour this evening. Even if the occasion is a dry one in Adelaide.

Friday, July 20, 2007

The seventh (or eighth?) WRC AGM - 6.vii.2007

Attendees at the Annual General Meeting, the definitive contradiction in terms if there ever was one

The Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, who as ever did her job most ably as ever, and the Chairman sporting the newly commissioned WRC shemagh

The CWSC, the Treasurer and the First Lady prior to dinner

The 5th item on our extensive agenda

The VC posing with the loving cup

The Captain, just prior to his early departure

So, somewhat belatedly, the Chairman is delighted to reproduce for your entertainment pictures from the recent AGM held in Carterton. The Agenda ran to the customary seven courses, brilliantly executed by the Treasurer who worked very hard to ensure a splendid time was had by one and all. The Captain was keen to ensure a similar conclusion, but accidentally went to a dinner night the previous evening, thus precluding any assistance in respect of the forthcoming festivities by his own hand. Going out for a run at lunchtime on the day of the AGM cannot have helped much either, which proved to be a self-fulfilling prophecy after he fell asleep with a thud after the sixth course. No matter – we struggled on as a quintet following his early departure, which followed only shortly after that of the Secretary, who took the minutes at her first AGM, the first for three years and the first minutes taken in joined-up handwriting. Toasts to absent friends were drunk from the newly commissioned WRC loving cup, as were toasts to our hosts, the Club and the Queen, after which the CWSC, First Lady and Treasurer went out for a swift Romeo y Julieta with Aligene whist the VC and Chairman washed up and looked after the children. And to think, this is only the first AGM due to be held this year. Even when it rains, as it does in a biblical fashion as your correspondent writes, the sun always shines on the Witham.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Chap Olympiad (with the Chairman & Captain)

The Captain of Boats and the Chairman at the Chap Olympics - Hats and smoking are almost compulsary on such occasions

The Captain approaching his lady during "Bounders"

What a bounder - on the receiving end of a glass of Champagne from Dame Fforbes

Hello girls! I think we might be a little late this evening (and the Captain's just pulled)

Competing In the freestyle dash (c) Getty Images

I am always flattered to hear from members that the collective goings of the WRC and its diverse membership are a source of amusement to others who have never met members such as the First Lady or the Treasurer (grrrrr). As such, your correspondent is delighted share with his loyal readership a selection of images from an event the Chairman & Captain of Boats compeated in at the weekened, The Chap Olympiad held in Bedford Square, London. Such readers to which I allude may not be aware of the other collective musings of your correspondent, entitled Howards’ Way (same high quality writing, but less clique-y), which explains the history of this particularly British event, a gathering of exhibitionist eccentrics fuelled by free gin and up to no good for the benefit of the gathered crowds (700 plus) and the gathered media.

The result? Well, on the official photography site, images of either your correspondent or the Captain numbered 5.5% of the total (11 out of 200), one splendid entry on Getty Images and an appearance on YouTube. Oh, and a photograph of the two of us (one of only three featured) in the commuters gazette, the Metro. Suffice as to say that we got fried to the tonsils and fell asleep on the tube on the way home (yes, dressed as we are on the photographs, co-respondent shoes and all), but as I hope members and readers will concur, club honour was maintained and our profile raised once again. Will we be back? Suffice as to say we are planning our ensemble for next year already…

Friday, July 13, 2007

Leaving, on a jet plane.....

Mr Benn eat your heart out - The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the WRC at Howards End prior to the AGM/Henley weekend

It is with the deepest regret that the Chairman announces that the VC, CWSC & CFIC have departed from Blighty. It’s sure to have been a testing journey, and so to amuse the VC, a small reminder of the recent fun & frivolity. It goes without saying that it was lovely to see you all. Do feel free to come back if you ever have any more money or holiday.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tempus Pro Cartergardenpartyio

The Vice Chairman back at his parental home with the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee and their daughter, the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee

The Captain of Boats and our host Richard

The Treasurer and First Lady, with the Vice Captain of Boats and a crocodile, which will presumably be made into a pair of the Captain's shoes one day

The Captain & VC, wearing the Captain's blazer

Our hostess & Cox, Beryl with the First Lady

Your corrospondent's parents at Carter Towers

Mixed weather greeted the Carter Garden Party held in honour of the visit of the VC, CWSC & CFAC to Lincoln on 24th June, which co-incided with the birthday of the WRC classics consultant, Bob Howard (BA, Oxon), who is endowed with both O-levels in Greek & Latin, which is no more than you would expect of any servant of the Club. Unsurprisingly, the food and drink were well up to the usual standard of fayre the Cox provides and also unsurprisingly, the Chairman, First Lady and parents were the last to leave. It was good to see not only the VC back at the parental home, but also the family Elliott, whose oldest daughter seems to be embracing all the best of family traits, those of a friendly, sociable & outgoing disposition and a marked disinclination towards going thirsty on such occasions.

Vivat Carters, and good to see the family pile back in good working order after the horrors of earlier this year.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tempus Pro Belatedbirthdaygreetingsio

The Consul General's 3rd birthday party at the Ambassadorial Abode

The Consul General, appearing in a photoshoot straight out of a Bill Granger Book

The Bishops of Derby, Repton & Burton, the latter of whom was "Priested" over the weekend of the Consul General's birthday

Remember, remember the 1st of July. Or not, as the case may have it. Poppy’s birthday coincided with the ordination of the Bishop of Burton and numerous other events, and therefore was omitted from mention on this blog. The Chairman is quite contrite, and is delighted to reproduce for inspection two recent photographs of the Consul General thoughfully forwarded by her Mama, who appears to have changed her hair once again in much the same way her former consort did after his appearance on Crimewatch all those years ago when he shaved off his moustache. Belated happy birthday Poppy – and sorry for looking like I forgot.